Laboratory Chemicals

We can meet your demands in the field of laboratory chemicals and consumables. This allows you to streamline your workflows and reduce some of your costs.

Laboratory Chemicals and Solutions

Sedimentation solution
(1 liter of lactic acid and 2 liters of bromphenol blue)
Lactic acid 90%,
Merck Bromophenol blue,
Merck Buffer solution,
HCl solution For FFN test on FN device
Cleaning solution for ash determination
Ethyl alcohol,
Pre-combustion solution used for ash determination of flour


Sedim Tube (standard sizes),
Cleaning brushes for tubes,
Brown colored bottles,
For sedim solution,
Automatic pipettes (25 and 50),
Gluten dish,
Refrigerant assembly,
Electric heater,
Desiccators (vacuum, non-vacuum),
Crucible, made in Germany, for flour ash analysis,
Ranked Erlens